Method The building construction is a complicated and relatively long process. A process in which communication between teams is essential. Roffaa guarantees that we enjoy the process of designing and have fun in designing with all involved parties. We firmly believe that a good atmosphere and an open communication in a team leads to better results. The communication is assisted by making physical models and building our story with diagrams and sketches to bring our collaborating partners along in the design process.
Mission The impact of the build environment on our lives is enormous. Buildings determine how we live together and how we experience our lives as individuals, and with building comes the responsibility to create a system where we handle raw materials in a more advanced way. To achieve this it’s essential that we innovate our cooperation with others. We therefore design meaningful architecture, by which every project, even on the smallest scale, actively contributes to the greater importance. The goal is to continue innovate in our sector. To achieve this we have to work together, join forces, share knowledge and above all dare.

"Look at our project 'Floating Bricks House' to see our first prototype house"
In our practice we are continuously working on our New Material library. These could be materials that are new in our industry but are well developed in other sectors. Biobased / natural materials, circulair materials or residual materials also has our interest. This means Roffaa takes material into the design from an early stage and could even be the starting point of a design.

Rijnlandse Architectuur Prijs 2023
Ton Venhoeven (VenhoevenCS), Renske van der Stoep (Roffaa), Annemarie Jol (AM), Jan Nauta (Studio Nauta) en Dirk van Peijpe (De Urbanisten).
Berlagevlag 2021
Jeroen Geurst (Geurst en Schulze Architecten), Floor Thier (Studio Leon Thier), Hans van Beek (Atelier PRO), Renske van der Stoep (Roffaa) en Dennis Hofman (Architektenkombinatie Bos Hofman)
Dirk Roosenburgprijs 2019
Evelien van Veen (Voorzitter CRK / Van Veen Architecten), Aron Bogers (Inbo), Mark Hendriks (Blauwe Kamer), Annemariken Hilberink (HILBERINKBOSCH architecten), Ronald Rijnen (gemeente Eindhoven), Renske van der Stoep (Hoofd architectuur Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst / Roffaa)
BNA Beste Gebouw van het Jaar 2019
Jort Kelder (Voorzitter), Ferdi Licher (Bouwen en Energie), Jeroen van Schooten (Team V), Chantal Schoenmakers (IWT), Bianca Seekles (Era Contour), Renske van der Stoep (Roffaa)
Rotterdam Architectuurprijs 2018
Samir Bantal (Voorzitter / Directeur AMO), Eva Pfannes (OOZE Architects), Bart Schoonderbeek (Schipper Bosch), Jacob Voorthuis (Hoofd Vakgroep architectuur en Stedenbouw TU Eindhoven), Renske van der Stoep (Roffaa)
Architectenweb Awards 2018
Elma van Boxel (Zus), Femke Feenstra (G.A.F.), Vincent Kompier, Willem Heyligers (Heyligers), Renske van der Stoep (Voorzitter / Roffaa)