The user of the shopping street asks for a safe and healthy setting. With the change that we foresee in the near future we created a vision for a resilient shopping street.
The Shopping street is a fascinating piece of the city scape. It is a place to meet others, the street is filled with bikes, cars, scooters. Public transport like trams drive up and down the street. The shopping street is sociable, people eat their lunch, go grocery shopping, buy clothes or just enter a story for a casual conversation. Every square meter in the street is active and shared, it is the beating heart of the city.
Location Rotterdam
Program Awareness, Improvement of paved streets, Water storage
Year 2019
Status Active / research fase

Exhaust gasses suffocate the pedestrian, It rains for days, the streets are flooded, people stay inside and in the summer people can’t enter the street because of the suppressing heat. Because of this heat they flee the city.

Team Renske van der Stoep, Georges Taminiau, Rêve Deijkers